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Dear Parent, 

Welcome to Mill Creek School.  I hope you and your child will enjoy the Mill Creek experience. Our faculty strives to provide a warm, open environment with a focus on student success and productivity.  We realize that success is defined differently for each child and we place emphasis on each student applying that effort needed to reach his or her personal best.  Our motto is “If you believe it, you can achieve it!”  Our mission is to prepare all students for life through high expectations, achievement and character development.

We fully recognize the important role a parent plays in his/her child’s education and encourage you to become actively involved in one of the many volunteer opportunities available at Mill Creek.  Additionally, we find open communication a key to maximizing the home/school connection.

This handbook is one means of communicating our general expectations, policies, and procedures. We have tried to establish standard guidelines for our school.  In doing so we realize that particular situations sometimes warrant special consideration.  We encourage you to take time to read through this information with your child and keep it as a handy reference throughout the school year.  More detailed information on recess rules, homework, discipline procedures, safe bicycle routes, etc., is available in the appendix.

Please feel free to call the school office, 214-3280, if we can answer questions or be of assistance.  


Mrs. Tabetha Rawlings, Principal

Mrs. Amy Rogers, Assistant Principal




Board of Education Office…………………..214-3400

Adventure Club………………………………214-3282

Adventure Club Main Office………………..884-2582

Mill Creek Counselor………………………..214-3284

Mill Creek School Nurse…………………….214-3280

Mill Creek School Office ……………………214-3280

Mill Creek Fax………………………………..214-3281

STA (Student Transportation of America........214-3860




 It is important that each child be at school every day.  If your child is sick, please send a note or call the school office by 8:30 a.m. the day he/she is absent.  If you wish to pick up your child’s homework at 3:20, please let the teacher know in the note or when you call.  If a homework request is received by 8:30 a.m., teachers can usually have it ready by the end of the school day.


 Following are a list of academic priorities identified by parents and teachers. 

Our Students will be:

Effective Communicators who:

  •          Can verbally communicate by reading, writing, speaking and listening effectively (verbally and non-verbally)
  • ·         Can communicate through the use of technology
  • ·         Can communicate creatively through the arts

  Academically Strong Learners who:

  •           Have a solid knowledge base in all subject areas
  • ·         Have the ability to apply concepts and skills in various contexts

Responsible Citizens and Problem Solvers who:

  • ·         Can problem solve and resolve conflict independently
  • ·         Use their skills in both academic and social settings
  • ·         Exhibit respect for self, others, authority and the environment
  • ·         Are democratic participants
  • ·         Are tolerant
  • ·         Have a strong work ethic
  • ·         Are civic minded and active in the community
  • ·         Are confident and resourceful

 Healthy Life Long Learners who:

  • ·         Value and appreciate learning
  • ·         Utilize effective study skills
  • ·         Are self-motivated and reflective
  • ·         Work well with others
  • ·         Have a healthy sense and knowledge of self







Some teachers also choose to have classroom pets. Should your child have special allergies or cautions regarding animals, please inform your child’s teacher.

Children sometimes wish to bring pets to school to share with classmates.  Though this is not encouraged, it is allowed on an occasional basis with the permission of the child’s teacher and the principal. A parent must accompany the pet to school, stay for the share time (approximately 10 minutes), and take it home.  A copy of the pets shot record should be provided to the teacher prior to its arrival.

We do ask that parents refrain from bringing pets into the building during arrival and dismissal times due to the congestion of the commons area.



School Hours:

         8:00 a.m. First Bell…………………….All Grades

         8:20 a.m. Tardy Bell…………………...All Grades

         3:20 p.m. Dismissal……………………All Grades 

School doors open at 8:00 a.m.  Students should NOT arrive before that time, as there is no supervision available.  It is important that students arrive at school by 8:15 a.m., as classes will start promptly at 8:20 a.m.

Your child’s teacher should be informed of how your child is to get home from school.  We will expect your child to leave in the regular manner unless we receive a note or phone call.  If arrangements must be made during the school day, we request that they be made before 2:45 p.m. This will be strictly enforced. For your child’s protection, we cannot honor requests to leave school with a person other than a parent unless that person has been listed on your emergency card or you have notified us in writing.

If your child needs to leave school early for an appointment, please send a note or call the school office in the morning.  In order to maximize student learning time, all students will remain in their classrooms until someone arrives in the main office to pick them up.  We request that after school arrangements are made at home rather than by use of the school phone.  Please make all arrangements before 2:45 p.m.  Students should be picked up no later than 3:25 p.m.


 An orderly environment is necessary to maximize student learning.  The Mill Creek faculty continually works to maintain and improve the learning atmosphere.  To accomplish this, it is important to establish communication and maintain clear expectations for student behavior.

Students are expected to be good citizens and good scholars.  They are encouraged to strive to meet personal, academic, and social goals and to solve problems in an appropriate manner.  Additionally, students should follow all school rules.

When students have trouble meeting our behavioral expectations and following rules, we will use verbal and signaled reminders, reprimands, loss of classroom /school privileges, and conferences with parents to help improve behavior.  Additionally, students will receive instruction in appropriate problem solving techniques and strategies.  The parent will frequently be contacted by phone or in writing when students are referred to the office for disciplinary reasons.

As in all of our Columbia Public Schools, Mill Creek will be implementing the Positive Behavior Support program.  Columbia Public Schools offers resources and professional development to teachers regarding Positive Behavior Support.  Mill Creek has a PBS team to communicate and sustain this endeavor.  We will be sending more information through the Mill Creek Messenger throughout the school year. Students receive “Cougar Compliments” for demonstrating the Mill Creek Expectations. We count all of our compliments and celebrate successes each month at assemblies.

This program is a structure of support and expectations that addresses the universal areas such as hallways, bathrooms, cafeteria and playground.  We will also have a “Focus Room” where students have the opportunity to calm down, write a “Think Sheet” and/or apology and return to the classroom in a timely manner.

Students with severe or chronic behavior problems are subject to in-school or out-of-school suspension. Severe behavior includes repeated rule infractions; continued disrespectful acts, gestures, or comments; fighting; excessive use of profanity; willful injury to others; theft; extortion; vandalism; opposition to authority; possession, use, or sale of a controlled substance or a hazardous object.

 Each classroom teacher will send the parent a copy of classroom expectations.

 The staff is also working hard to recognize appropriate behavior and achievement at Mill Creek.



Though not encouraged due to traffic concerns, students in grades four and five only are allowed to ride bicycles to school.  Bicycles should be parked and locked in racks on the south side of the GYM.  See the appendix for suggested routes.  Once bicyclists are on school property bikes are to be walked.  Skateboards and roller blades are discouraged even for fourth and fifth grades.  They should not be used on school property.  If they are used to get to school they should be removed prior to crossing Nifong or Sinclair onto school property.  They should be locked on bike racks or placed in lockers.


 Children’s birthdays are celebrated by providing them with a birthday ribbon and well wishes from the office staff.  Classroom teachers typically have a birthday ritual unique to the classroom.  Unfortunately, no birthday parties are allowed due to the amount of academic time that would be lost to celebrate with each child.  Additionally, we ask that children do not bring birthday invitations to distribute at school as this can be disruptive to the educational environment.  Parents, who wish, may send class treats to be shared during the last ten minutes of the day.  (No gum, please)  Please refrain from sending balloons to your child as they can not be taken to the classroom or transported home on the bus.  Children with summer birthdays may celebrate their “half-birthdays”. 


 Bus transportation is provided by STA (Student Transportation of America) for elementary students who live more than one mile from the school.  This means that NO student may be picked up and dropped off at a baby-sitter or other location within a mile of the school even though the student may be eligible for transportation from home.  The phone number for STA is 214-3860.



 Visitors:   All parents or visitors to the school should check in at the office upon arrival to receive a nametag and apprise the staff of their intended destination.  Tours of the school are available by appointment.

Classroom Visits:  Parents are welcome in the classroom.  As a courtesy to teachers, we ask that you phone one day ahead when a visit is planned.  Please check in at the office when you arrive.  In order to minimize classroom interruptions and distractions, please refrain from bringing small children when you visit.  Adult lunch should be ordered by 9:00 a.m.

Deliveries:  Please bring items to be delivered to students to the office.  To minimize classroom interruptions, office personnel will call the student to come pick up the item or it will be delivered at an opportune time by school personnel.


 Regular Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled at the end of the first and second trimesters.  You will receive more information prior to the designated dates.  We have found conferences to be beneficial for all concerned.  Mutual understanding of the learning experiences by parent and teacher can only benefit the child.

We request that parents refrain from holding impromptu conferences during PTA events as there is too little time and lack of privacy.  Please call the teacher to arrange a convenient time to confer.


 The Mill Creek administration has an open door policy.  We welcome parent input and ideas.  Our teachers communicate regularly with parents through newsletters, homework folders, telephone calls, and conferences.  We encourage parents to initiate contact anytime there are issues, questions, concerns, or ideas you wish to discuss.  Parents should sign up for Parent Link in order to get text alerts and important information.  You may sign up for this by going to the Mill Creek website and clicking on general school information, Home Access, and then Parent Link. You will also receive a monthly school newsletter from the principal.


Mill Creek School makes every effort to respect the confidentiality of our students.  Volunteers in the school understand that any and all observations they make of children during their time in the school are confidential and not open for discussion.  Further, no student records or information may be released without written consent of the parent.  The parent may review student records at any time in the office.


 As a courtesy to our families, we publish a directory that includes the name, parent’s name, classroom, address, email and phone number of each student.  Parents will have the opportunity to confirm the information to be used at the Back to School Open House.  Please return the student directory form to the school office by September 3rd.


The general style of dress and appearance (haircuts, cleanliness, manners, behavior, etc.) should be in keeping with gentlemen and ladies grouped together in a learning environment.  As a rule, students may wear clothing deemed appropriate as long as it does not call attention to itself and thus disturb the educational atmosphere of the school.  Clothing which is too tight, revealing or which contains writing that might be offensive to others should be avoided.

Students do participate in physical education and/or recess daily.  Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather and physical activity.  We discourage students from wearing sandals to school.  They are often unsafe for playground activities due to wood chips and climbing equipment.  Tennis shoes are required for P.E.




Pagers, telephones, cell phones, electronic games and walkie-talkies are not allowed unless the teacher has specifically sent home a request for electronic devices as part of the Bring Your Own Device program.  If a teacher is participating in this program information will be sent home about the specific types of devices that children will be allowed to bring from home.


Parent Technology Information

 Parents sign a technology agreement upon enrollment with the Columbia Public Schools District.  This form is signed when you first enroll your child with the District.  Please be sure that you read the Technology Usage policy and Student Use of Personal Electronic Devices for Instructional Purposes policy.  These documents outline the purpose of having technology, utilizing technology, and use of electronic devices in our district.

If you do not want your student to be photographed, interviewed and/or videotaped, etc. you will need to fill out a Media Participation Opt Out Form each year.  By signing this form, you are indicating that your child will not appear in any CPS publications including school yearbooks, videos, school websites, etc.

           FIELD TRIPS

Field trips or field studies are one of the most valuable learning opportunities we provide for children.  When a field trip is planned, you will be notified by your child’s teacher.  Your signature on the back of the student information verification form gives permission for your child to attend in-town field trips. A separate permission slip is provided for out-of-town trips. Field trips sometimes run beyond the hours of the regular school day.  Please be sure to bring or pick up your child in a timely manner when this occurs.

All children attending a field trip within a fifty-mile radius of the school are expected to ride the bus.  Though it is discouraged, parents may choose to drive their child on a trip that extends beyond a fifty-mile radius.   A parent wishing to drive their child should plan to arrive at school at the departure time and follow the bus to the designated location.  This helps insure that all students are ready to start on time.  Children may ride home with their parent on trips extending to the end of the school day or beyond with administrative approval.

Parents are often asked to help chaperone field trips.  Volunteers will receive specific instructions regarding duties during the trip from teachers.  Parents often choose to drive their own cars and follow the bus.  However, they may ride the bus on a space available basis.  Unfortunately, we cannot invite siblings on field trips.


Please explain to your child that school is a place for learning.  Candy and gum can serve to distract students from learning.  We ask parents to monitor their children to see that these items are left at home.


Gum chewing is prohibited on school grounds.


Objects that are not necessary for routine schoolwork and that are potentially dangerous will not be permitted in the school building or on the school grounds.  Such objects include any sharp or pointed objects, fireworks, weapons, matches, lighters, lasers, or anything that might be used as a weapon.  If there is a question as to what constitutes a hazardous object, please check in the office.  Hazardous objects will be confiscated.  They will be returned to the child’s parent upon request.

Should a child find that they have accidentally arrived at school with a hazardous object, they should give it to a teacher immediately.


It is our belief that the health status of a child has a direct relationship to the quality of his/her educational achievement.  The parent has the basic responsibility for the health of the child.  The school health program exists to assist parents in carrying out their responsibilities.

As stated in the Student Handbook for Columbia Public Schools, students exhibiting the following symptoms will be sent home and/or should remain at home if they exhibit any of the following: 

  • ·         Temperature of 100 degrees or greater
  • ·         Vomiting with associated signs of illness
  • ·         Diarrhea
  • ·         Unusual or unexplained rash
  • ·         Ongoing symptoms of discomfort or immobility from an injury
  • ·         A concerning health condition that may require further medical evaluation.






Children will be sent home immediately if they come to school with any of the above symptoms or if any of these symptoms occur during the school day.  Students with a communicable disease should have a release from the doctor before returning to school

Students may return to school when:

  • ·         Fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication
  • ·         Vomiting and/or diarrhea free for 24 hours
  • ·         Other conditions (rash, injury or health concern) subside or with a provider’s note



Medications:  NO over-the-counter drugs are available at school or may be administered by school personnel without a prescription from your physician.  To be administered by the school staff, a doctor’s note or over the counter form MUST be completed and turned into the school nurse.

In order for prescription medication to be administered by the school staff, a Medication Administration Record MUST be completed. These forms are available from your school nurse.



The amount and type of homework varies from grade to grade and teacher to teacher.   Your child’s teacher will provide information about his or her policies and procedures in regard to homework.  (See appendix for general homework policy.)


Mill Creek recognizes there may be times children have planned absences from school.  Experiences outside of the classroom environment can be both valuable and educational; however, parents and students need to be aware many classroom instructional activities cannot be replicated outside of the classroom in the form of a make-up assignment.  It is important parents communicate with the classroom teacher as soon as possible (minimum of 5 days prior) if a planned absence that is longer than one school day is going to occur.  This will allow the parent and teacher to discuss what types of instructional activities will be missed and give the teacher adequate time to prepare assignments. The following guidelines will be used during planned absence situations:

  • ·         Parents must ask for make-up assignments as soon as possible prior to the planned absence with a minimum notification of 5 days prior to the absence.
  • ·         Long-term assignments and projects should be turned in early if the due date for the assignment falls during the planned absence.
  • ·         Tests which take place during the absence may be taken before or after the absence based upon teacher recommendation and/or parent request.
  • ·         Many classroom activities cannot be replicated with a make-up assignment; therefore, additional work within the class may be required upon the return of the student.
  • ·         Work should be turned in within 5 days of the student’s return to school.  Assignments not turned in within 5 days will receive no credit, but the student will still be required to complete all assignments.


 The lockers at Mill Creek are to be used as storage for outerwear garments such as coats, hats, boots and other items which teachers consider appropriate.  Personal items will be kept in the student’s desk.  Decorations on and in lockers are not allowed to be decorated as these are for storage purposes only.  Locks are not used.


Mill Creek offers both a breakfast and hot lunch program.  Students may bring cash to pay for lunch.  Many parents, however, choose to put money into their child’s account so that they do not have to carry money to school to buy lunch.  Each child has a lunch account.  Our automated payment system allows children to punch in their personal ID number so that the money for lunch is deducted from their account.   Money may be deposited in your child’s account in the cafeteria.  Please be sure that money brought to school by children is carefully identified.

Parents are welcome to join their child for lunch any day.  Your child may invite one school friend to eat with you.  Food may be brought for your child only.  Food may not be shared with other students.  If younger siblings must come, please let them know that they must observe school behavior.  They must be seated with you at all times.   There are a few weeks that we are going to ask that parents not come to eat lunch with their child.  A flyer will be sent home with the “Blackout Dates.”

Lunch prices: Paid elementary $2.80, Reduced Lunch $ .40 

Breakfast prices: Paid $1.85, Reduced Breakfast $ .30 

Breakfast and lunch are typically served in the cafeteria.  Students are expected to use appropriate table manners and calm quiet voices at all times.  Alternative eating arrangements are available for students on an as needed basis.


ANY PARENT WISHING THEIR CHILD NOT TO APPEAR IN THE NEWS MEDIA SHOULD NOTIFY THE SCHOOL OFFICE and fill out the Media Opt-Out form.   The news media is asked to secure parent permission before using a direct quote, doing a personal interview or using a picture of a student.  We do not seek parent permission for general or group photos.


During the year, two parties, Winter Holiday, and Valentine’s Day, are sponsored by the school.  Room parents for each room organize the parties and provide treats for students.   Parents who wish to help may sign up through the PTA on back to school night. Our Fall Fun Fest takes the place of a Fall Classroom Party. We also have a “Fall Celebration of Books” with a Read-A-Thon on Halloween. Parents may be asked to send snacks.

Surprise parties for students are not allowed.


All students have physical education once or twice per week, depending on the rotation.  Students should wear tennis shoes for safety and may not participate without them.  Girls should wear shorts under their dresses or wear jeans or slacks.

Participation in the program will be required unless the child is excused for health reasons.  Parents may write a note excusing the child from participation for up to two consecutive class periods.  A physician’s note is required for more extended periods.


Mill Creek School takes pride in its active Parent Teacher Association, which maintains a healthy balance between support of children’s programs and fund raising.  Opportunities exist for parents to become involved in the school in a variety of ways including a multifaceted volunteer program.


Children should dress appropriately for outside play at all times since we go outside whenever possible.  All children are to wear a coat, hat, and gloves when the temperature is below 30 degrees.  Above that temperature coats are worn at the discretion of teachers for students in grades K-3 and at the student’s discretion in grades 4 and 5.

During the winter months, frequent checks are made concerning temperature and wind velocity to determine the length of the recess period.  Please do not send notes requesting that students stay inside because it is “too cold.” 

Parents may write a note excusing the child from participation for illness or injury for up to two consecutive class periods.  A physician’s note is required for more extended periods.

In order to provide adequate supervision, students who need to stay in will go to study hall.  Pupils are not allowed to stay in their rooms during recess or physical education.  In rare, isolated cases, special projects may be worked on in the classroom during recess, but only with supervision, and permission of the teacher involved.  (See appendix.)


In addition to assisting with parties, room parents may be asked to organize volunteers for special projects.  We also request that room parents organize a calling tree to use in case of an emergency or on days when school may be dismissed early.


Cancellation of school, due to weather or other conditions, will be broadcast on local radio and TV stations as well as Channel 081. You can also receive a “CPS Alert” on your cell phone if you sign up on the CPS website for Parent Link. The school also utilizes “Late Start” in which school starts exactly two hours later on days in which there is inclement weather.  Lunch times and dismissal times remain the same for these days.  The decision to do a “Late Start” will be made the night before and parents will be notified in the same methods used in school cancellation.


Columbia Public Schools Rules and Regulations V-8-9:  No agent, solicitor or other person shall distribute materials, solicit, offer for sale any subscription, policy service, article or thing whatsoever to any employee or pupil while the employee or pupil is upon the property of the Columbia Public Schools.

Materials related to political campaigns shall not be distributed on school property by pupils, teachers or others; nor shall the solicitation of campaign workers or campaign funds take place on school property.


Students will not use the office phone for personal calls except in an emergency and only with staff permission.  In the event students receive a call, they will be called out of class only in case of emergency.

Students may not use the phone to make after school play arrangements.  All calls received at home will display as the main number regardless of where the call originated in the school.  Please encourage your child to leave a message.


In order to help students focus fully on academics, we ask that they refrain from bringing toys to school.  If a student should forget and have a toy with them, the teacher will hold it for the child until dismissal time.  If the toy continues to come to school, we may ask that a parent come to pick it up.  Toys should only be brought to school with the teacher’s prior permission.   No playground equipment such as bats, balls, etc. should be brought from home.  Pagers, telephones, electronic games, and walkie-talkies are not allowed.  Students should refrain from bringing these items.



The Mill Creek faculty recognizes that high expectations are an essential element in success.  Students must have a vision of these expectations and accept them as purposeful and meaningful.  We further understand that success in reaching goals and expectations is a critical element in further goal setting and continued successes.  Therefore, we are dedicated to helping students realize their potential and commit to acting as role models in these endeavors.

We communicate these expectations in terms of three goals, the three R’s.  Mill Creek students will be:

    RESPECTUL of people, themselves and the environment.

    RESPONSIBLE friends, citizens and learners.

    RESOURCEFUL problem solvers, creators and communicators.

School Pledge:  As a member of the Mill Creek Community, I will be a RESOURCEFUL problem solver and communicator, I will be RESPECTFUL of myself and the rights and property of others and I will be RESPONSIBLE for my own learning and behavior!  I will have fun striving to do my personal best as I reach for the R’s.  If I believe it, I can achieve it!

    School Motto:  If I believe it, I can achieve it!

    School Mascot:  Cougar

    School Colors:  Blue and Silver

    School Mission: It is the mission of Mill Creek Elementary to prepare all students for  

    life through high expectations for learning, achievement and character development.


Parents are encouraged to take an active role in the school.  There are many volunteer opportunities available.  Interested parents should call the school office or contact the PTA committee chairpersons.  Parents often volunteer to accompany students on field trips.  We do regret that we cannot invite siblings on school trips.

            HATS AND HOODS

Students may not wear hats or hoods from coats or sweatshirts except on special days designated as “Hat Days”. 


1.      Homework Policy

2.   Indoor Recess Rules

3.   Playground Rules

4.   Medical Information

5.   Recommended Bicycle Routes

6.   Traffic Tips and Taboos


The faculty of Mill Creek School believes that homework should stimulate the intellectual development of the child and create and broaden desirable interests and habits.  It should reinforce the pupil’s mastery of skills, encourage creative use of abilities, and develop independent study habits.  Homework should be an outgrowth of meaningful classroom activities incorporated as an integral part of the lesson plan.

 A student should know the assignment’s purpose and will receive adequate instruction, directions and help prior to taking it home.  Homework will not be used to present a new concept, but rather to reinforce, provide practice, or enrich concepts.  Homework may be practice work not completed in class or specific assignments, which are to be worked on only at home.  The parent may feel free to give needed direction and/or guidance while requiring the child to complete the assigned task.  Though homework will seldom be used for a grade, credit will be given for completion.

Since an important purpose of homework is to teach responsibility to the student, it will be given at all grade levels.  The kindergarten or first grade student may only be required to take a book home to read and return; or the assignment may be to bring an item for “show and tell.”  In doing so, the student is learning responsibility for following through on assigned tasks.  Additionally, students get the message that learning is important and can take place anywhere, not just at school.  Homework may include a variety of activities such as:

  •   Brief drill in math or spelling
  •   Completion of work not finished in class
  •   Sharing ideas with parents
  •   Situations requiring students to use creative thought
  •   Classifying information
  •   Comparing and relating ideas
  •   Analyzing and applying principles
  •   Experimenting with new ideas
  •   Reading
  •   Writing
  •   Listening












While the exact amount of time spent on homework will vary, it ranges from 10-15 minutes one or two times a week in Kindergarten to 20-40 minutes three or four times a week in fifth grade.  Homework will seldom be assigned or necessary on weekends or holidays.

*Please refer to section about make-up work due to planned absence for information regarding homework during an extended absence.




During regular recess periods students may take the first two or three minutes to choose activities and get settled in a desirable location.

During lunch recess, students returning from the cafeteria should select an activity and then be seated in their desired location.


            board games                drawing                                  

            reading                                    writing

            school work                 chatting

            art work          


Teachers leave games and appropriate activities, along with directions for their students.


  • Any type of throwing games or the throwing of any objects
  • Any type of race car games
  • Any activity requiring students to be running around the classroom
  • Any impolite remarks (written, verbal, or pictured) in regard to another student
  • Any physical contact with another student
  • Any loud talking or yelling








A.      Play at Mill Creek Elementary should never endanger students or staff or damage the facility.

B.      There will be two supervisors on the playground at all times.

C.      All teachers or adults in authority are to be obeyed regarding conduct on the playground and in the building.

D.      When the signal is given to end the recess period (bell, whistle, etc.), students will go immediately to assigned doors and wait quietly in line for teachers.

E.      Children must have permission from the playground supervisor to return to the building—PASSES WILL BE USED.  The restroom should be used before going outside.

F.       Movement in halls is to be quiet and orderly because many people remain at work.  (THERE WILL BE NO RUNNING IN THE HALLS!!)

G.       Coats, sweaters, jackets, lunch boxes, books, and all personal belongings should be kept in hand when arriving each day.  DO NOT place them on the ground or leave them unattended.

H.     Balls should not be thrown or batted against the building.

I.        Students should dress appropriately for the weather.  We will generally remain inside if the temperature /wind chill is dangerous or a detriment to children. However, even on these days, students may go out for short periods for fresh air and exercise at their teachers’ discretion.  Students should wear a coat when the temperature is below 30 degrees.  Above that temperature, students in grades 4 - 5 may make their own decision.  Students in the primary grades will wear a coat at their teachers’ discretion.


K.      Inappropriate objects (rocks, sticks, wood chips, snow, ice, etc.) may not be thrown.  These objects shall remain on the ground.

L.      Food, candy, gum are NOT allowed. 

M.    Students may not bring toys, balls, electronic games, radios, or other play equipment to school.

N.       If a ball leaves the official playground area, students must check with the supervisor before going after the ball.

O.      Dodge ball is not considered a recess activity. 

P.       Accidents or disputes on the playground should be reported to the teacher/supervisor ON DUTY.  Students DO NOT RE-ENTER the building without permission of supervisor/teachers.  A pass will be issued.

Q.      If a student continues to play and ignores the end of recess bell, that student may lose the following recess.

R.      Slides will be used feet first in a sitting position only.

S.       Follow “school rules” when playing organized games per coach’s instructions.

T.      Clothing and shoes must be appropriate to the activity.

U.      Be considerate and respectful of others. (Use appropriate language, respect games in progress, etc.)

V.      Fighting (even play fighting) is NEVER allowed and is grounds for immediate

suspension from school.

W.  Persistent incidents of verbal and/or physical aggression can result in a student being   

       placed on an Alternate Recess Program (ARP).



The following are suggestions for the safest routes to Mill Creek School from the following areas:


Country Woods:


Country Woods and Vaughter School Road intersection is a two-lane roadway with no sidewalks or shoulders on either side of the roadway.  The intersection is a four way stop, however, there are no crosswalks marked on either roadway.


The safest route from this location would be for students to walk their bike to where the sidewalk begins approximately one block east of the above intersection.  Once they reach the intersection they can stay on the sidewalk located on the south side of Nifong and Mill Creek School.


Country Club (Glen Eagle):

Of all the areas mentioned this is the only area that has a complete sidewalk that can be used to go from the subdivision to the school.  Students can stay on the sidewalk on the south side of Nifong all the way to Mill Creek School.  The students should not cross Nifong because there is no sidewalk on the north side of the roadway.

Lake Woodrail and Country Club Villas:

To ride a bike safely from his location would require crossing several intersections in order to get to Mill Creek School. Due to the above it is not recommended that bikes be taken to school from this location.

The safest method would be to have the bike riders stay on the west side of Forum heading southbound until they reach the intersection of Green Meadows and Forum.  At the intersection of Forum and Green Meadows they would cross to the east side of Forum where there is a continuous sidewalk southbound to Nifong.


Students can take residential streets to Royal Lytham which feeds into Glen Eagle Drive.  Then students should stay on the sidewalk on the south side of Nifong all the way to Mill Creek School.  The students should not cross Nifong due to the lack of sidewalk on the north side of the roadway.

Forum and Nifong Intersection:

The Forum and Nifong Intersection is a four-way intersection with a traffic signal and crosswalks.  Students should cross the intersection to the south side of Nifong where there is almost a complete sidewalk to Mill Creek School except at one point where there is a shoulder of sufficient width.  As mentioned earlier, at the point where the sidewalk ends it is recommended that the students walk their bikes until the sidewalk begins again.

  • ·        Bike riders should never ride their bikes against the traffic on any roadway.
  • ·        Bike riders need to obey all traffic control signs while riding their bikes (e.g., Stop Signs).
  • ·        Bike riders should walk their bikes across all major intersections; Nifong and Forum, Forum and Green Meadows, and Country Woods and Nifong (Vaughter School Road).